To enjoy your trip as much as possible, you should take good care in preparing for the cold weather! We have several suggestions to consider when dressing for your tour:

If possible, it is best to wear several layers of clothes so you can add or remove layers as needed to regulate your body temperature. A warm underlayer of wool or fleece close to your body as well as thick socks, a hat, mittens and a scarf will help to keep you comfortable. However, remember that the best source of heat is your own body! Make sure that the clothes or the shoes you are wearing are not too tight. It's difficult to stay warm even in the best outdoor gear if you are losing blood circulation because of overly tight clothes.

On the aurora hunt we will provide you with an coverall-style thermal suit that will protect you from the wind and help you stay warmer. If you wish, you can also rent winter clothes and shoes at Tromsø Outdoor in the city center.